Carefully selected properties that offer unique experiences from trusted developers. The dream of owning your luxury vacation home is closer than you think.
What if there’s an alternative? An effortless way to have the property of your dreams where you can have peace of mind that it is looked after in your absence and where you don’t need to worry about upkeep and maintenance. Leaving you free to do what matter most – turn up and relax and lock up and go!
Relax the moment you step into your fully-managed, fully furnished interior designed vacation home.
Secure your dream vacation home by co-owing a freehold fraction. With less capital investment, you can share the running costs and any capital growth.
By purchasing only what you need, one luxury vacation home can fulfill the dreams of multiple families year-round.
Fractional ownership is a phenomenon that is flourishing. It’s a market that continues to thrive apparently undaunted by the wider western economic downturn.
It’s not hard to see the appeal of this new generation of second homes. And when you consider that the average vacation-home buyer uses the property just four to six weeks a year, well, a fractional begins to seem not only practical but downright preferable.
Such properties appeal to buyers who want exclusive getaways but who may be unwilling or unable to purchase a second home they will use for only a few weeks a year…
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Owning a second home abroad has never been so easy. By eliminating the main areas of stress, fractional ownership offers an intelligent way for you to make the most of your precious time away and start your vacation the minute you arrive.
Currency rates obtained from Yahoo Finance. While we strive to provide accurate information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.